WINGS OF STARLIGHT by ALLISON SAFT It took me three whole days to read this book and I regret not taking more time. I could have given my poor heart a few more days of being whole and healthy. Now I am a shattered mess of tears and hysteria and pain. Technically, I knew how this was going to end. We all knew Clarion and Milori get their happy ending in the movie. But can you blame a girl of hoping for a little epilogue? Even just a page? There was no epilogue. There was only pain. I am sure everyone who is going to read this book will already know about Queen Clarion and Lord Milori but still for the sake of this blog, here it goes: warm and winter fairies live in Pixie Hollow in four different seasons. The warm fairies cannot go to the Winter and the winter fairies cannot come to any of the warm seasons because that can hurt their wings. Princess Clarion, living in Summer is going to be coronated in one month when a huge problem arises and puts all of Pixie Hollow at risk. Princess Cl...