
Showing posts from August 10, 2024


THE GRANDEST GAME by JENNIFER LYNN BARNES THESE COVERS JUST GET BETTER WITH EVERY BOOK BTW! So, we finally got Grayson's book after waiting for so long, with no Grayson's POV unfortunately, but we are not really complaining. I started reading this book the day it was published, but it took me ten days to absorb it enough to write this review now. In short, I am going to say: it was everything the fans wanted. We had Grayson silently crazy for Lyra, Lyra trying hard not to fall for Grayson, Savannah and Rohan ready to tear each other’s clothes off any minute, cutesy Avery-Jamie scenes, Big Brother Nash and adorable Xander. Everything the fandom ever wanted, JLB delivered. I will be honest. I squealed and screamed and giggled like a crazy ass fangirl every two pages. Grayson and Lyra were trying so hard to not look like they were thinking about nothing except each other, and Savannah and Rohan had the chemistry that would have burned the pages if I was reading a hardcopy. G...