WHAT YOU WISH FOR by KATHERINE CENTER STANDALONE REVIEW: Katherine Center delivers once again with this heartful small town romance. Typical for her books, the protagonist once again has a less known but common syndrome, disorder, or disease and we read it exactly how it affects their daily lives and learn their normal – which is not that different from our normal. Also, typical for her books, there is lots and lots of monologue (I mean, the woman’s whole writing style is narrative where the protagonist is always, always overthinking at every moment) with lots of good friendships and humour. Have I mentioned how much I love Katherine’s writing style? Because the answer is a lot . I read a book of hers, and then I think like her protagonists for the next seven working days. Sadly, I am a better person for those seven days than I am for any other consecutive seven days of my life. What You Wish For is about Sam, who has had epilepsy since early childhood, something which fucked...